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 Hiring California's
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 Defining "what is
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"Customer Assistance"
800 numbers
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you should know
 Lemon Law - FAQ’s (Frequently Asked
Questions – part 1)
 Lemon Law - FAQ’s (Frequently Asked
Questions – part 2)
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Car lemon law
 Lemon Law - Car dealership pressure sales tactics
Lemon Law - See us on California’s freeways & highways
Lemon Law - “No
Cooling Off Period”
Lemon Law -  Car 
dealership contract fraud
  Lemon Law - Securing proper warranty repair documentation
Lemon Law - Changes in the California Lemon Law
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 Lemon Law - “Warranty Repair History”
Lemon Law - Automobile Manufacturer’s “solutions", “offers” and “releases”
 Lemon Law - Turning frustration into “time
well spent”
Lemon Law - Your vehicle’s warranty book as it “applies” to California Lemon Law.

Lemon Law... Automobile Manufacturer’s “solutions”, “offers” and “releases”

The consumer will often call the manufacturer’s “customer assistance center” or other facility offered by the manufacturer via an “800” number to “assist” in resolving the customer’s request for help, or a repurchase or replacement vehicle under the California Lemon Law. 

It is vitally important to know that these “assistance centers” are staffed by people who are typically recording your conversation for “quality control purposes.” The recording can potentially be used against the consumer in a later Arbitration or legal action depending upon the content of the recording – that is – if it benefits the manufacturer’s position. You should consider telling the customer assistance center representative that you intend to record the conversation as well, so both parties have a record of what was said. 

In dealing with these “customer assistance centers,” the consumer is often given a “case number”. Do not be misled by the word “case” or “case number”. It is not a legal Lemon Law case, as you might think. It is simply a reference number used to retrieve information on your past call(s) into the “customer assistance center” when calling in again. 

Often the agent at the customer assistance center will “offer” a “solution” to the consumer’s request for repurchase or replacement of their defective vehicle by offering a Service Contract, Extended Warranty, the return of a few monthly car payments, or other “resolutions” to the consumer’s request for California “lemon law” assistance. These “offers” are often accompanied by a “release” form that forever releases the manufacturer from any legal responsibility to you for current or future problems you may encounter with your vehicle. These "offers" and "resolutions" do not comply with California state lemon law requirements in any way or fashion. Car owner beware! 

Some customer assistance centers will simply “re-direct” the customer back to their selling dealer to get another repair. Others will “inform” the customer that the customer assistance center will “contact” the repairing dealership. This often simply leads to another repair visit, with no satisfaction to the consumer for their defective vehicle. Some consumers have likened this to the “merry-go-round” syndrome. The consumer does not like the “ride” and “wants to get off”. 

You don't have to deal with any of this nonsense. Simply call our offices at 1-800-CA-LEMON (1-800-225-3666) to speak to one of the professionals at our law firm for immediate help.


    Copyright 2005 - Law offices of William R. McGee

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